CELPIP Writing Test 5


2Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You have recently attended a parent-teachers meeting at your daughter’s high school. However, two of her teachers were absent in that meeting. You waited for more than an hour, but they did not come. Therefore, you were not able to assess your daughter’s progress in those two subjects.

Write an email to the principle of the school in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • Explain clearly the situation.
  • Explain how the teachers’ absence affected your perception of your daughter’s educational progress.
  • Describe how you want to resolve the issue.

    Try to write your own response in the comment area. I will try to give you an estimate score.

Note: For 8 $, I will email you a detailed review of your writing tasks along with my corrections and recommendations. You can provide your answers in the comment area or email them to me to “contact@hightestscore.com”. I will then send you my reviews to the email you used while paying. Here is a sample of the review you’ll receive. 


Thanks for your support! If you are having any trouble making payment, please contact me at “contact@hightestscore.com”

Sample answer

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to bring to your kind notice the unprofessional conduct of two of your respected schoolteachers. During the last parent-teachers meeting, my daughter’s Math and French teachers did not care enough to attend the meeting. Many parents, including myself, have waited for them for nearly an hour, but to no avail.

As you may imagine, this incident has unfortunately prevented me to have a clear idea of my daughter’s learning progress, especially in those two important subjects. In fact, my daughter already feels unconfident about her French, especially after her unsatisfactory grade in her last assignment; hence, I was desperate to discuss the issue with her teacher in order to find learning strategies to overcome her difficulties. On the other hand, I had also hoped to talk with her Math teacher about her performance in class so as to assess her gradual improvement and encourage her scientific inclinations.

In brief Mr. Brown, I would be very grateful if you could arrange a meeting with the aforementioned teachers as soon as possible. I believe devoting an hour of their precious time for us is the least they can do. Hopefully they show up this time!


Helen Smith

Task 2 is on the next page



  1. Dear Principal,
    I hope your day so far has been pleasant, let me allow to introduce myself. I am father of Hoorain Fatima who studied in Grade 1 section M in your school, and today we were invited for my daughter assessment by her teachers.

    First we would like to thanks to your management and cultural that they are calling parents for to know about their children what is their progress in the class and other activities and what else parents can play further role to enhance their capability.
    Our time for parent- teachers meeting was 10 am and we reached before time, however meeting has started little bit late around 10.15am. Later we came to know the reason for delay there was 2 teacher was absent. Although other teach discussed about my daughter and they tried explain about our child situation and progress which was quite satisfactory, but two teachers who were absence belong to very important subject e.g Math and science due to their absence we could not clear our daughter current situation for these two important subjects.

    I would thank full if you would arrange one online meeting with the same teachers those were absence at the time, their opinion help us to understand our daughter current situation on these two important subject as well.
    Your support and action on the same will really appreciated

    Kind Regards,

  2. Dear Kit,

    My name is Pradeep Veera , mother of Vijayamma, 8th grade student on your school. I am writing this email about kind attention of dissatisfaction of teachers are not present in parents-meeting.

    I waited for more then two hours in school, but two teachers are not available ,John(Maths Teacher) and Amy(Computer fundamental teacher) ,conforming to Scott(Class Admin) told they are about to reach with in one hour. I waited more then two house to assessment of my daughters progress card, but both teachers are not yet arrived to school.

    During the day unavailability of both teachers, i could not complete my daughters improvement on Maths and Computer fundamental! I am worried about my carrier goals, we are encouraging her to do Cyber Security course. I was discontent about partial education report.

    Therefore, I am requesting you to arrange the meeting coming Friday to discuss on both subjects that would be help full to my daughters improvement on this studies. Along , with me some parents are waiting for their children progress too.

    I look forward to your response.


  3. Dear Mr. Jones,

    My name is Olivia Greens, mother of Amanda Greens, a 9th-grade student in your school. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction at the Parents-Teachers Meeting last Saturday due to the unavailability of two teachers.

    I visited the school for the meeting and met with all the teachers except Mr. Johnson (Math teacher) and Mr. Benjamin (Science teacher). On confirming with Mr. Hill (Sports coach) that both the teachers were on their way to the school, I waited for almost two hours to get my daughter’s assessment in the remaining subjects. However, they did not arrive at the mentioned time.

    Due to the unavailability of both the teachers, I was unable to get my daughter’s review completely. Considering that Math and Science are critical subjects for Amanda’s future because of her plans to pursue computer engineering, I was discontent with her partial educational report.

    Therefore, I respectfully request you to please arrange another meeting with both the instructors, preferably this Friday, to review the assessment report card. Not only will this benefit me, but will also yield positive results for the other parents who could not meet with the teachers that day.

    I await your reply at your earliest convenience. Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated.

    Kind regards,
    Olivia Greens

  4. As long as the staff can do this work in less time it will be better for everybody. I will go for Option A. Even though the other option means just than 2 hours on Saturdays, it will have engaged the staff longer.
    Days-off are part important of our lives. We usually spend time with our family, do leisure activities, and so on. Weekends normally are used to balance our lives. When job intrudes that time, our lifestyle starts to deteriorate. Lately, it is seen that problems related to work like work addiction have reached high levels. It is important to put limits when it comes to working on weekends.
    Trying of reducing overtime will be beneficial for workers because it will prevent them to think that job is more important and comes before the family and social life. I know that employees should help the company to reach its goals, but management should be careful in not exceeding its power. I know that some companies intimidate their workers with dismissals when workers do want to give up on their days-off bylaw.
    Considering these reasons, there will be a better relationship between the company and employees even though both sides agree in established schedules to work overtime, where that temporal time of work be clear for everyone.
    I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this issue.

  5. Dear principal,
    I am writing to express my disappointment with the last parent-teacher meeting that I attended. I assisted in this meeting hoping to know my daughter’s progress at school, but unfortunately, two teachers did not show up. This has affected my perception of my daughter’s progress for the following reason.
    I am worried about the teacher’s professionalism because if teachers behave this way with parents, I do not want to imagine what things they do during classes. My daughter’s qualifications in both courses, French and Math have been so low. I wanted to talk directly with these teachers. Now I see that maybe it is not a problem of lack of understating on behalf my daughter. I do not understand how you can have teachers that are so unprofessional. They did not even send a notice explaining their absence, we waited for them more for than one hour.
    I know that you as the authority of the school want the best performances from teachers. Since I could not speak with them, I want them to send me a report of my daughter’s progress along with an action plan so that I can focus on how to help her at home.
    I hope you can take swift action on this matter because it is about my daughter’s education. Please send the required report to luis.cornejo@gmail.com.
    Yours sincerely,
    Luis C.

  6. In my opinion, Option B will be a preferable choice to move forward with. I believe that none of the employees enjoy the idea of working on Saturday mornings, however, I understand how significant it is for management to complete the delayed tasks for achieving better results.

    As many of us, staff members will have plans on spending their weekends with their families, but if we can allot two hours on Saturday morning for office tasks, then devoting time for ourselves for the remainder of the day will be preferable as oppose to spending four hours on Saturday morning and not being able to enjoy the rest of the day.

    Not only we will be shooting two birds with a single arrow, but also will increase the possibility of accomplishing the delayed tasks in no time. Working correspondingly creates a chance that we are able to finish the project work fairly soon as we will be more committed to achieve work life balance.

    My other colleagues may have different opinions on this matter, but due to aforementioned reasons I strongly recommend to consider option B.

  7. Dear Mam,

    I am mainly writing to describe your teachers’ unprofessionalism I had experienced in the previous parent-teachers meeting. To my surprise, my daughter’s Science and Spanish teacher didn’t show up in the meeting. I had waited for them for about 75 minutes, however, they didn’t bother to inform about their absenteeism.

    I got to know from Mathematics and Geography professor that my daughter is working hard on her projects and is making great progress, however, she needs extra classes for her English courses given that she is not a native speaker. On the other hand, my daughter scored very less in Science on her last quiz test and was recently replaced from drama due to her poor Spanish. I had personally provided her Science and Spanish tuitions after her unsatisfactory grades and wanted to assess her progress.

    Therefore, I am highly disappointed by your teachers’ unprofessional conduct and would be grateful if you are able to arrange a separate meeting with them by next week. I believe allocating one hour of their precious time will be enough to have an insight about my daughter’s performance.

    Hope they show up this time!

    Yours Sincerely,

  8. Dear Principal Johnson,
    I am Kate Smith’s mother, she is in grade 8th at your St.George High school. My reason to write this email to you is to show my disappointment about parent- teachers meeting which was held on Friday this week at 3:00pm after school.

    Same like other concerned parents, I have been really worried about my daughter’s performance in Mathematics and History as she had been facing some difficulties in these particular subjects. I have been very busy in my hectic schedule at work and could not focus on my daughter’s academics but this meeting gave me a chance to follow up perhaps I had to wait for 2 hours to meet teachers and yet they were no show. Though meeting was planned two weeks in advance and emails were sent to discuss child’s grades and daily participation. Moreover, I received no notice of absence which end up wasting my time.

    I would like you to speak to Mr. James and Ms. Miles and communicate my disappointment about their absence at the meeting and also, I would appreciate if they meeting could be re-scheduled for upcoming Friday so, we can finally discuss Kate’s performance.

    I look forward to hear from you.

    Yours Sincerely,

  9. I believe none of my colleagues would like the idea of working on Saturdays and cutting back on their weekend time. But I understand that if the company is facing challenges with some backlog then we as a team should be able to support.
    Weighing between the two options, I would say option A would be more convenient and here is why:
    If someone is making an effort of waking up early in the morning, getting dressed up and commuting to the office, then instead of 2 hours they can spend 4 hours and finish with their duties in a months’ time. Not only this will allow them to work for only one month but also, they can save the commuting cost as well.
    Also, if there will be less people in the office, it means less distractions and they will be able to better focus on the job at hand and be more productive.
    That’s my perception and what I find suitable to cope with the pending documentation issue. However, I am either way fine with whatever decision is taken and happy to extend my support in the needful times.

  10. Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving me an opportunity to put my views on Management decisions on calling employees on Saturday mornings in order to catch up with some delayed paperwork. In my opinion, I would like to suggest Option B that half the staff should come on Saturday morning and work four hours for one month.
    I found this option suitable as with this approach, in a short span of time we can finish the delayed paperwork easily. We can divide staff into two batches to work on alternate Saturdays .So that every batch can have one alternate Saturday non-working.
    Staff will work only 4 hours on Saturday, that means each one of us has to put only 8 hours extra effort in a month ,which is quite affordable and all the delayed work will get complete in one month only, which means that staff has to come for only two days extra in a month that too only half a day. With this decision, the commitment of each staff will remain intact with their personal life as well because this is the day when you want to be present on a personal front rather than work, So as per me staff will be more than satisfied with this decision.
    In conclusion, two Saturdays for each staff working 4 hours are sufficient to get paperwork completed.

  11. Dear Paul,

    I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction about the parent – teachers meeting held on Monday. My daughter is in Grade 10, She is a studious and very passionate student. I really admire her confidence and interest towards the subject which is undoubtedly brought up by the teachers of your school.

    But, unfortunately the incident that happened at this meeting disappointed me. I was curiously waiting to meet her Math and geography teacher to discuss her recent scores which is not upto the mark. Finally, we were waiting for more than an hour but didn’t see them. Moreover, there were many parents waiting with us to meet them but ended up with disappointment.

    Above all, the absence of teachers is truly unprofessional. In addition, I had a plan to discuss more ways to improve my daughter’s decline in scores which didn’t happen consequently. Therefore, I suggest you to discuss with the teachers about the incident and to schedule a parent – teachers meeting on another day.

    Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.



    • Good work! I believe your writing would most probably get 7. Keep up improving!

  12. Dear Sir,

    After analysis and considerations among the 2 options, I would choose Option A. Traditionally Saturdays have been a weekend holiday and I suspect employees have made plans for them. With Option A, we are only requesting half the staff to come in on Saturdays. The other half can go about their regular weekend plans. We could ensure there is a schedule and the working Saturdays are equally distributed among everybody. Every staff could opt for 2 working Saturdays and 2 holidays.
    Management can then get together and balance the load. This accounts for lesser disruption in the staff’s lives in the weekend and we also get the excess work done within 1 month.
    The reason I resist Option B is because it would inconvenience the entire staff to in the weekend for 2 full months. Although the work hours would only be for 2 hours on Saturdays, it would be significant enough to disrupt the entire day. It would be very bad for employee moral and staff would not be looking forward to come back to work.
    Hope my explanations are reasonable and management considers those points when finally arriving at their decision.

    Yours Truly,
    Employee E

  13. Dear Principal,

    I’m writing this email to express my disappointment at two teachers of your school. During the recent parent-teachers meeting, I was really looking forward to meeting my daughter’s Math and Science teachers. However, those teachers never showed up. Me and all the other parents waited for over an hour to meet them and were left completely aghast to realize those teachers never attended the event.
    My daughter expresses great interest in Math and Science, but she struggles with the complex topics. I wanted to discuss how the teachers and us parents can help my daughter grasp these topics. I’m beginning to suspect the real cause for my daughter’s struggles could be these unprofessional teachers and their lack of effort. If those teachers couldn’t be bothered to attend an important event like the Parent-teachers meeting, I doubt their commitment to their jobs.
    As Principal, I expect you to address the above concerns. I want both those teachers to be spoken to and evaluated if they are fit for their role. I’m looking forward to your action plan and response.
    Wishing the very best for the school and success for teachers and students alike.

    Yours Truly,
    Parent A

    • Very good work! I believe your writing would score 8 or even 9 if lucky. Keep it up!

  14. I would prefer the option B because there is no more than two hours work for couple of months on Saturday morning, and then it is easy to pull together with the pending paperwork without losing much of work-life balance. Although working with half the strength of staff sounds like a great idea, it will definitely double the working hours for a month.

    The first reason for selecting the two months option is the less working hours on a weekend. Undoubtedly, everyone has planned to spend more time with their families as well as to their personal priorities. For example, taking children to park and going to religious places etc. I suppose working two hours are more manageable and practical; however, I am afraid that working longer hours on Saturdays will burn out the employees, and end up delaying the work more.

    In addition, if the whole staff would work alongside, then there is a possibility to finish the work earlier than two months period. Moreover, delegation of work would be a plus point since all employees working rather than picking some randomly which would be unfair with them.

    Considering the above mentioned reasons, I believe working for just couple of hours on weekend would not be a huge deal for anyone. Employees would be overjoyed since all working equal time. This is my personal preference, but I will support whatever decision is made.

    Thank you for giving me an opportunity to provide my input on this issue.


  15. Dear Headmaster Lagoon,
    I am writing this email to bring an unfortunate event that happened on the parent-teachers meeting to your attention. Even thought meeting with the Math and the Chemistry teachers were on the schedule 10 minutes apart from each other, both of them did not show up even after one hour. Although being absent on this meeting is needed to be considered as such an irresponsible and a disrespectful behavior, I would prefer to focus how it affected my daughter’s academical life.
    Firstly, I have been concerning about her math and chemistry grades since they drastically decreased and I am not able to address how she can improve them. That is why, I was seeing this meeting as a chance to put her on truck and get some advice from her teachers. Without getting any feedback from her teachers, I am not able come up with a solution.
    It would be great if you can reschedule another meeting with both teachers according to parents availability. It may seem inconvenience for them to schedule meetings, but most of the parents were on the meeting to discuss their children’s situation and waited more than hour.
    I look forward to hearing back from you.
    Kind regards,
    Ozzy Osbourne

  16. Dear Mr Randall,

    I am writing this email to bring an incident to your attention. Last Friday, we had parent-teacher meeting for my daughter, Liz, and her teachers, Mr Chen and Ms Duncan were absent. We were stood by for an hour without being notified the situation.

    Although we are the ones of the most laid-back parents, we were resentful because the meeting was a crucial step for Liz to prepare for Smithe College. The teachers arranged it three weeks in advance due to high volume of the students seeking help. Since Liz did not obtain enough scores in math, the meeting was supposed to be held to discuss tutoring options for her to boost her grade. Therefore, we consider that her opportunity has been lost, and this missed meeting is extremely unacceptable.

    We request you to re-organize a private meeting for Liz with Mr Chen and Ms Duncan. We expect your immediate response due to the importance of the circumstance.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mr and Mrs Cho

  17. I believe the first option would be the most reasonable proposal as otherwise significant complications would arise for many employees. In the following, I am going to explain my rationale briefly.

    Based on my personal observations, the company would not face any difficulty recruiting sufficient number of employees to work 4 additional hours on the weekends. A good proportion of employees are interested in bonus payments and are willing to work extra hours in order to achieve that. I think the extra paper work should therefore be handed to those who voluntarily sign up for work on the weekends.

    Moreover, it would be slightly unfair to demand everyone in the company to start working on the weekends with such a short notice. Many employees have already made other arrangements for their weekends and altering their schedule would produce tremendous amount of inconvenience and dissatisfaction. Some might have other priorities.Speaking of myself, I usually save my Saturday mornings to attend religious service.

    Altogether, I believe the first option would suit everyone to a greater extent as it respects the employees personal time. But I support whatever decision that is ultimately made.

  18. Dear Mrs Hudson,

    My name is Karen Smith and my daughter Emily is a junior at the Charlotte High School. I have recently been concerned about my daughter’s unsatisfactory grades. Emily has always been a diligent student and she was at the top of her class in all the subjects in the freshman year. Her recent poor performance is unprecedented. That is why I attended the meeting with the teachers last week with the hopes to examine the situation more closely with her teachers.

    But unfortunately, her Mathematics and Biology teachers failed to attend the meeting even though I waited for more than hour. Although I received invaluable feedback from her other instructors, I would still like to discuss my daughter’s performance with those two teachers as her grades has been specifically low in their class. Emily has always been fond of sciences and I think it’s important for me as a parent to find out ways to bring back her excitement as much as possible.

    I wonder if it is at all possible to set up an other meeting with the absent teachers, as Emily’s school performance is of utmost importance to me.

    Best wishes,

    Karen Smith

  19. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this email to seek a volunteer opportunity with the CELPIP – TIP organization. I would like to mention 2 major reasons for this role. Firstly, I enjoy teaching various age groups. Secondly, I believe giving back to society by helping numerous communities and groups.

    Concerning my skills ad experiences, I have completed my master’s in Journalism from the University of Toronto. I have 25 years of experience working in several roles such as Content Creator, Evaluator, and Facilitator at different English Proficiency Language organizations like the British Council, IDP, CAEL, etc. Besides, I have been volunteering with various NGOs like UNICEF, The Red Cross Society, etc. where I helped new immigrants to learn English and French language. Also, I developed recreational plans/activities to integrate migrants with society.

    Currently, I see that your organization has volunteer opportunities in developing countries like India, China, and Brazil. I would be happy to apply to any of these countries, by sharing my experiences. I have taken a years’ break from my profession and plan on using this time by contributing to the community.

    Please feel free to contact me via email (bob@gmail.com) if you require any details.

    Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your earliest reply.


  20. Hello Jim,

    I hope this email finds you well.

    I am writing this message concerning my lost wristwatch at the Gym. I would appreciate it if you could please draw your attention and help me in recovering my valuable watch at the earliest.

    I think I have forgotten my smartwatch in my designated Gym locker.

    This watch was gifted by my deceased grandparents during my university convocation ceremony. The wristwatch was the last present that I had received from them and it holds an emotional sentimental value to it. I am afraid that I cannot afford to lose it by any means.

    I would like to provide you with a brief description of my smartwatch. It is a Samsung smartwatch, that has a black touchscreen dial with a white silicone wrist band. The brand name, as well as the model number – S20, can be found on the back of the dial.

    Please contact me on my direct cell number – 666-444-7777 once you have located my aforementioned smartwatch. If you require any further details of my watch, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    I will be looking forward to your response. Thank you in advance for your time and help!


      • Thank you for your feedback. Can you please advise, what changes I have to make in my above response to receive a 9 band?

        • Giving a detailed review of your writings is a service I provide for 4$. I only give an estimate score here.

  21. I’d like to start thanking you for giving employees the option to give input on this matter. Personally, I would rather go with option B and I have some justifications for my choice.

    First of all, nobody likes to work on weekends. However, if we have to do it to save the company, then why not! On the other hand, it is not fair to randomly pick some employees to come to work on Saturdays. Considering the fact that employees have families, and the company can’t randomly decide on some employees to take them away from their lives and duties.

    Secondly, I feel like working for just two hours on Saturdays is more manageable and practical. I am actually afraid that working for longer hours on Saturdays could cause employees to burn out and not to be enthusiastic enough about the work, which in turn could even cause the work to be delayed.

    Last but not least, I would like to draw the company’s attention to the nature of the work, which is just catching up on paperwork. I and other employees would be more than happy to take care of this work while working from home. I was just wondering whether the company has thought about this option.

    In the end, if work from home is not feasible, because of all the aforementioned reasons I would still rather to all of us come to work on Saturdays.

  22. Dear principal, Ms. Smith,

    I am Lili’s mother, studying 11th grade in your high school, and am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the recent parent-teacher meeting.
    I was very much looking forward to attending the last parent-teacher meeting on 13th March 2020. Lili’s grandmother passed away just a couple of weeks ago. Since Lili and her grandmother were so close, I am concerned about my child’s mental health which in turn could affect her progress and marks in school. I was specifically looking for Lili’s maths and chemistry teachers to discuss her recent progress in these courses but wasn’t able to get in touch with them. I asked around and guess what? I found out they didn’t attend the meeting at all!
    I was so annoyed that two of the teachers didn’t bother to attend such an important meeting. I trust that you as a woman understand how it is hard for me as a working mom to schedule everything in a day that I could attend my child’s school-related events. I basically cancelled all my afternoon meetings because of this meeting and then couldn’t get in touch with my child’s teachers.
    To this end, I’d appreciate it if you set up a private meeting for me with Lili’s maths and chemistry teachers sometime soon but for after workday hours. I’d like to thank you in advance for your time and understanding. I look forward to hearing from you.


    • Good job! I suppose it would get 8 as well. I hope you will be luckier and get 9.

  23. Thank you for the opportunity to express my concern in the weekend job issue. In my opinion if we have to do this anyway the better choice is to come for four weekends and work half shifts. In this case the 50 percent of employees would be required to do the postponed paper work, so there is possibility to work in rotated schedule. I think this could be an acceptable deal for everyone therefore we would need to work only two Saturdays.

    Furthermore, we can agree on that there is no sense to show up at work only for two hours in every Saturday for two months. I believe that in our case the faster the better, so complete the delayed tasks as soon as possible and go back to regular work hours. The weekend means free time for me and I really want to spend it as a I wish with my family.

    I hope the management will make the right decision in this topic. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  24. Dear Principal Smith,
    Yesterday evening, I attended at my 10th grader daughter’s parent-teacher meeting. I was really looking forward this event, because I would like to get insight about my child’s learning process. Emily is a really smart girl, but I need to know how I can help to her. Unfortunately, I was not able to meet two of her teacher, despite I have been waiting for an hour.
    In the light of the fact, we are paying such a high tuition fee I think that is the minimum you should ensure that all of your teacher available on this type of events. The mathematics and chemistry are elementary subject, so I have to be sure, she knows all the basic principles. The absence of the teachers makes me unconfident of my child’s educational performance and I lost my faith in the school.
    After all, I would like to book a meeting with these teachers in order to assess Emily’s development. I hope you will be able to arrange this for me to make up the missed consultation.
    Best regards,
    Elen Horn

  25. Dear Manager,
    I am writing regarding the inconvenience that I am going through these days frequently due to the unavailability of parking stalls in front of the entrance 12 of the West Edmonton Mall.
    I shop at the Superstore center located in your mall every week for my groceries and to find a parking space outside that store outlet is a real challenge. Regardless of any day of the week I drive to the mall, every single parking stall is occupied and to my surprise, I noticed that majority of motorists who parked their cars in front of the entrance twelve are actually the residents of the high rise apartment building situated on the 170 street and 95th Ave which is just beside the mall.
    In order for me to accomplish my task, I have to park on the other side of the street due to which hauling my grocery bags along with my children is immensely stressful and physically tiring. Finally, I have no recourse but to address my aforementioned concerns to someone like yourself in the hope that your management can come up with a compatible solution for regular customers like us.
    In my opinion, it will be ideal to have few parking stalls designated exclusively for Superstore shoppers with a sign indicating reserved parking.
    Thank you,
    Amitabh Bachchan.

  26. Dear Manager,

    This weekend we had an opportunity to dine at your renowned restaurant for our daughter’s birthday celebration. We all were immensely excited as we had not only heard highly of the delicious food and the quality service of your restaurant but also the advertisements in the local newspaper had tempted us to make a reservation.
    However, as much as we were thrilled, all we got was mere disappointment. The food we asked for arrived too late, and not even that, the dishes served were not appealing. The server seemed to be in rush to serve other diners, due to that he provided utter terrible service. With you being unavailable, I brought this matter to on-duty supervisor’s attention who was not only rude, but also blamed us for the unreasonable complaint.
    I am a keen eater who relishes delicious foods; so, I reiterate yourself, being on top of the hierarchy, to fix this issue as I am hoping you will be more rational in dealing with my complaint and make me not regret my decision to pick your restaurant for a celebration. I am expecting a refund for our last visit and rebooking us for the following Friday with improved service and food quality before I put a review on your restaurant’s social media website.
    I look forward to your response regarding my concerns.

    Thank You,

    Patrick Smith

  27. Hello Sir or Madam,

    Hope you are doing well!

    I am writing this email to bring to your notice the unprofessional conduct that occurred at the parent teachers meeting last Friday in sent Mary high school. My daughter Nyasa is in grade 10 and she is in Mrs.Mary class, during our meeting session I waited for 2 teachers who was supposed to provide feedback about my daughter on those 2 subjects, however, they didn’t showed up in that meeting at all.

    I had received an invitation to join the parent teachers meeting regarding review of our daughter’s progress in all her subjects last week. I came there on the time and received the feedback from the all teachers except Math and science teachers which are Mrs.Sara and Mrs.Sandra. I was told to wait for sometime for them, but after waiting few hours they didn’t came and I had not received the valuable progress status of my daughter in those 2 subjects.

    first of all, I really got disappointed as those 2 teachers didn’t attend the meeting and it feels like I didn’t get complete status of my daughter’s progress in grade 10. Actually I was eagerly waiting to discuss about the progress on those subjects with their teachers and want to highlight few concerns which I observed at home during helping in her homework of those subjects. Having said that I am pretty sure that it will impact my daughter’s improvement as well as in her upcoming examination, as we didn’t resolved those issues which I found and I think it will make her difficulties to understand and get confident on those subjects.

    Finally, I would like to suggest if possible that all subject’s teacher could attend the meeting so it would be really helpful for parent’s to know what improvement required for their kids in home. Also if you would plan some backup teacher’s for all subject for meeting, so if any subject teacher is unable to join the meeting due to any emergency, parent will not
    suffer and get all the review and feedback for that particular subject from supplementary teachers.

    I am looking forward for your reply.

    June Smith

    • Nice job, but it is too long. They will penalize you for this length. It should normally score 7.

  28. Dear Mr. White,

    I would like to bring your attention to the unprofessional conduct that occurred at the parent-teacher meeting last week. My last two sessions were scheduled with my daughter’s Math teacher and Physical Education teacher. Unexpectedly, I was left waiting for an hour at the room and ending up heading home with no explanation.

    As you may know, our family has just recently immigrated to Canada from Germany. Having to learn a new language is not an easy task and Susan is struggling to keep up with the English education in Canada. I was hoping to discuss with Mr. Bond if his teaching approach is suitable for new immigrants like Susan to comprehend comfortably. Furthermore, Susan was hoping me to ask Mr. Bond to provide some extra curriculums for her midterm preparation, instead, I went home with an empty hand.

    In addition, Susan has been feeling left out during team sports activities in her PE class due to her body shape. In my knowledge, there should be no tolerance regarding body shaming in the school, and It is Mr. Colin’s responsibility to ensure the students can be learning under a non-discriminated environment.

    I would like to reschedule with the two teachers individually on the weekdays to resolve the aforementioned issues. Having said that, I have trusted the school to provide my daughter with adequate surroundings for her education, and I hope this can be addressed promptly. Thank you.



  29. Dear Mr. Brown,

    I am father of Gloria Smith who is a 6th grader at your school. I’m mainly emailing you to bring it your attention the unprofessional conduct of two of your respected schoolteachers. Last week, my wife and I attended the monthly parent-teacher event. However, to our shock My daughter’s math and French teacher did not care to show up without any advanced notice. We waited close to an hour and left in disappointment.

    First of all, my daughter has been struggling with math for some time. I was anticipating having a conversation with her math teacher to come up with a learning plan that helps her excel in this subject. On the other hand, my daughter has been getting remarkably higher marks on her recent French report cards. I was hoping to find out what was being done differently in her class that helped with her progress.

    As a caring parent Gloria’s academic success is my top priority. I would kindly ask you to set up a meeting with the appropriate teachers next week in order to go over aforementioned questions.


    Logan Smith

  30. If possible, I’d prefer half of us would work on Saturday mornings to keep up with work progress while working four hours for one month. Although some may opine option B due to fewer hours of working per day it offers, my preferred choice has many other advantages which outweigh it.

    First off, many of my fellow coworkers would have a choice to make whether to work on Saturdays or not. Thus, ones who have planned weekend schedule which is sort of mandatory may choose to work as usual. For instance, Amanda, with sales department usually sees her son on Saturdays in compliance with the court’s order, may be beneficial with my selection of choice.

    Moreover, the option of working half a day on weekdays enables singles like me voluntarily work on Saturdays in exchange for less time at work during weekdays for other personal matters such as doctor’s or government agencies’ appointments. Consequently, I don’t have to sacrifice my unpaid time-off or my adherence to undergo the appointment.

    Last but not least, despite my preference is stated, I would comply with the final decision the management would make. I appreciate the opportunity to provide my input on this matter.

  31. It is outstanding that for the matter like this company is taking surveys from staffs and I am thrilled to share mine. Working on the weekend is no one favorite especially whom has kids and family to be with On the other hand, company activities need to be on schedule. At this situation among the available choices I strongly believe everyone working for 2 hours is much better idea than the other one. It probably will result in finishing the job sooner than the estimated time of two months and we could get back to normal situation sooner.
    Everyone working for 2 hours means we have needed power to tackle the issue. While if we stick with option 1 the company would definitely lag on some point as half of the expertise are out which means more delay and not only the work would not finish on time but also there is a high chance of getting more behind the plan.
    Another argument in favor of option 2 is the working time. Although we should work for 2 hours at the weekend, We would not miss out much of it anyway we still could catch up with our weekend plans. However, option 1 would result in ruining of weekend for half of the workers and it somehow may affects their work ethic.
    To sum up in this condition if we choose option 1 company get on track moreover staff wouldn’t bothered and they still could plan their weekend to be with their loved ones.

  32. Dear Principle,
    I am writing this correspondence about recent parent teacher meeting. However, Mathematics and English teacher did not show up in the meeting.
    There were other parents along with me waiting for the two teachers, we waited for couple of hours but all in vain. We were not able to check the progress of our child in two crucial subject.
    My daughter did not perform well in Mathematics in last semester I have worked hard with here to work on her Maths problem and as you know English is not our first language, so , it is something new for her to learn and understand.
    I know teachers might be having crucial reason behind skiing the meeting, But I would like if teachers can plan the meeting dates in advance it will be good for everyone to plan. In addition, teachers should inform there in availability to principle or leave a note that will same time of parents waiting. Also, school should plan for telephonic session in case parent or teacher cannot make in person.
    Hoping in next meeting, you can consider the above points


  33. To the management team,

    first of all, I would like to thank you for counting my opinion in the matter.

    As per the situation company has to take affirmative steps to meet deadlines. Saying that, I think option 2
    will be more effective in achieving desired results. As for completing paperwork, all the departments are
    dependable and in the absence of any person can result in “No Work done” situation.

    Moreover, having all the coworker available in the office builds pressure and doesn’t give the feelings of “Only
    people Working”. Also, just two hours would not interrupt any of my weekend plans, infect my Saturdays often starts
    too late and I end up doing nothing instead, so It would be really great if by doing over time we can complete all the pending work before the start of next fiscal.

    Thank you for the opportunity, I am certain that appropriate course of action will be taken.
    Yours Sincerely,
    John Simmons.

  34. Respected Principle,

    I am writing to expresses my concern regarding last week parents-teacher meeting. My daughter is in 4th grade in your school. We had great meeting with most of the teachers and get useful update on my little age growth. although, I didn’t get the progress report from the Mr. John History teacher and Ms. Lindsey an drawing teacher.

    I waited for them about an hour but haven’t heard anything about their presence. I assume everyone time is so precious and as a parent I was so excited to get report from all the teacher. this situation force me to think that some teachers are not as responsible as suppose to be. I am concern now that my daughters’ future is in safe hand or not?

    sometime we all have an emergency and that makes our schedule little behind and I agree may be something like that happen with this two teachers. but In my opinion, to procure that if you can mail their reports to parents house with special notes and give chance to meet teachers if needed that would be great.

    I hope you will consider my email on serious notes and take necessary actions.


  35. Regarding the matter of which choice should be chosen in order to catch up the delayed paperwork, half staff
    come Saturday mornings and work four hours one month would be the better option in my personal view.

    As a start, we have already gotten many complains from our clients due to the delayed paperwork. Although, some of our coworkers do overtime work to catch it up, but the volume of paperwork are more than we thought.
    A primer example of which is that my department, a great number of customers want to reduce order amount, the reasons being that is we can not supply our paperwork in time. Base on the aforementioned situation we probably finish all our paperwork in a short time.

    Secondly, compare with all staff come to work on Saturday, half staff work four hours will reduce the commute cost and others expenses. At the same time, the rest coworkers can spend more time with their family. With the time and money saved, we can introduce new system for paperwork to avoid the same situation happen in the long run.

    In a nutshell, half staff work four hours on Saturday one month would be definitely better choice over all staff work two hour, It is in that context I wholeheartedly support this option and hope company will proceed the same interest.

  36. Dear Mr.Smith,

    I am writing to express my disappointment regarding two of your respected teachers were absent during the parent-teacher meeting last week, which had been planned serval weeks ago in advance. It is with regret that I must inform you and draw your kind attention.

    Sayo is my daughter who has two weakest subjects, History and Mathematics. In order to know how to correctly support she overcome these weak subjects , I would definitely like to discuss with respective teachers through this meeting. However, I, along with others parents, we kept waiting nearly one hour. Unfortunately, both did not show up without any notice and contact.

    Although, all parents and I can totally understand that no one wants to do job on Sunday. But, we were dismayed by their unprofessional conduct. To let my daughter have good performance in the upcoming exams, I sincerely hope I can talk with these two teachers face to face. I am sure their feedback would be crucial information for my daughter.

    I would be greatly appreciated it if you could communicate to my disappointment to them and arrange a meeting this week. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

    I look forward to your response at your earliest convenience.

    Sincerely yours.


  37. Hi Peter,

    I can understand how unpopular the decision to have employees to work on Saturdays is going to be and the resentment is obvious but given the company needs to complete the mandatory compliance work before the start of the next fiscal it is quite imperative such extreme steps be taken. Of the options available, I would prefer part of the staff working for four hours and complete the work in a months time.

    Primary reason for picking the longer working hour is that is that it will only be a months adjustment that the employees will have to make. Also given that the team will be coming in to work, on a Saturday, they might as well stretch and complete the work earlier than later. If I could add a suggestion, we should split the team in two and have each team to work on alternate Saturdays. This will help reduce the burn out of the team.

    Personally speaking, Saturday mornings is a slow start for me so if I spent the additional two hours on Saturday mornings, in comparison to the other option, then I could be more productive and helps me plan my Saturday evenings.

    Warm regards,
    Paul Jones

  38. Dear Ms. Brown,

    My daughter, Grace Young, will be graduating high school this year and the unfortunate experience I, and other fellow parents, had during the last parent-teacher meeting has left us anxious. I waited for over an hour for the French and Math teachers but to no avail. They simply did not turn up.

    You understand this is a crucial year for the children and seeing how competitive the last years results were we want our children to be focused and feedback during the parent-teachers meeting is crucial for parents to help, along with the teachers, for our children to pass out with flying colors. After all if the children do well in the up-coming exams will the school also shine among other schools in the board.

    Grace’s result from the last test were a bit of a concern for me and I hoped to understand from Mr. Richard, for French, and Mr. Lewis, for Maths, what help I could provide to bring Grace’s grades to back where she was.

    I request you to take cognizance of the two teachers absent during the parent teacher meeting and provide parents an alternative time with them at the earliest.

    Warm Regards,
    Paul Young

  39. Dear Principal,

    I am writing this email to explain my situation, where I am unable to assess my daughter’s progress in two of the subjects Mathematics and Physics, due to absence of teachers for those subjects to parents-teachers interaction which was held very recently. It’s been a long since I met teachers of these two subjects.

    To begin with, I am interested in learning by daughter progress in these subjects particularly, as I believe they are the key and game changers in one’s career in future. I am dreaming my daughter to become a mathematician or an engineer, which is making me enthusiastic to know my daughters’ performance in those subjects. Surprisingly, I never got a chance to meet teachers of these subjects.

    However, I am thinking you could be of some help in resolving this issue. Either you can find out with teachers and send me an email with suggestions or any comments on my daughter’s performance or you can arrange some online meeting for my interaction with teachers. Even I can make myself available on weekdays and I believe a half hour would more than suffice for walkthrough.

    Looking forward for your response.

    Thank you,

  40. Although none of the employees like to work on weekends if it is mandatory, I think every employee should come for two hours every Saturday.

    Firstly, if all colleagues are working every Saturday for two hours, it will speed up the pace of work to meet the deadline. Successful in doing so will ultimately reward our company. Also, it possible to finish up the project in less than the estimated time period and then everyone can enjoy weekends off.

    Considering the option a might create an imbalance in the entire working schedule, as half the colleagues have to sacrifice their Saturdays and others will leave unaffected from the increased workload. Since everyone has weekends to meet their own personal priorities thus, allocating equal work and time would be a great option.

    Considering the reasons of option b, I think it would work best for every worker. I know others may have a different opinion than me but I will support whatever decision is made by the company. Thanks for providing me with a chance to give my input on this issue.

    Jasnoor Kaur

  41. Dear Mrs. Naaz,
    I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction that I had with two of your school teachers. In last week’s parents-teachers meeting, the math and physics teachers were not there. This is the only time when parents receive the report of their children’s academic growth. But unfortunately we didn’t get it this month because of their absence.

    Even though, My daughter is very brilliant in studies but as the level of education is getting higher, it becomes very crucial for us to keep track of their growth. Also, she told me before this meeting that she is facing hurdles in mathematics and also didn’t understand some of the physic’s topics. So, I was looking forward to discuss these problems with the respective subject teaches. However, I lost the opportunity because of teachers irresponsible behavior.

    To cover it up, I want to set up the meeting again with both the instructors to get their feedback on my daughter’s academic evaluation. If you can arrange an hour with them, it would be great.

    Hope to hearing from you.


  42. To the management team,

    I appreciate you letting me put my opinion forward on this matter.

    I think it would best to opt for Option A as this would be the most efficient choice. Despite the fact that only half of the staff will be required to work for four hours per Saturday, being able to complete the backlog of paperwork in just one month would bode well for our team’s productivity. I think that the shorter period of time in eradicating the delayed paperwork would help ensure that no additional delays fall on our laps.

    I would like to point out that it would be more equitable to rotate one half of the team to work for two Saturdays in a month and the other half for the remaining Saturdays. This would ensure that the extra overtime is evenly distributed amongst the team and that we can all still enjoy our weekends.

    Thank you for this opportunity and I am certain the most appropriate course of action will be taken.


  43. Dear Principal Smith,

    I am Louise Tan’s mother and I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the parent-teacher meeting that I was invited to last week.

    Much like most fee-paying parents in this private school, I have very high expectations of the conduct of the teachers here at St. George’s High School. Therefore, I was very dismayed when two of Louise’s teachers were absent at last week’s meeting which had been planned several weeks in advance.

    My main reason for being upset is that Mathematics and History are Louise’s weakest subjects, and I would have greatly appreciated their feedback on her recent performance. Louise has been finding these subjects difficult and I wanted to organize a plan on how we could all help her excel. Secondly, I received no notice of their absence and I ended up wasting my own time, yet they did not show up.

    I would appreciate it if you could speak to Mr. Fradley and Mrs. Lyons and communicate my disappointment to them. I would also like to request a meeting with both of them next week so we can finally discuss Louise’s academic performance.

    I look forward to your response.

    Yours sincerely,

    Maury Tan

    • Excellent work! This should have no issues scoring 9 or even 10 in my opinion. Sorry for this delay!

  44. Although I am quite certain that the majority of our colleagues will not be in favour of working on a weekend, but if it is mandatory and beneficial for the company, I would like to choose option B.

    To begin with, most of the employees in the company have plans for the weekend. Many of us have to take their family for outing or picnic, while others either have to visit their hometown or explore the nearby areas with friends. However, working for only two hours in the morning will not be much problem as people can still plan the rest of the day with their family without getting tired in office.

    In addition to this, the presence of full staff in the office will make the work effortless. Most of our work has a dependency on other departments, the absence of any concerned person may halt the work, and purpose of people working on weekends will not fulfil.

    In conclusion, I would like to prefer the proposal of working two hours in the morning by the full staff as this is more productive for the company and less tiresome for the employee.

  45. Dear Mr.Cullen,
    I am writing this due to the utter disappointment that I had faced due to the unprofessional and negligent behaviour of your school teachers, related to the children’s academic progress meeting.
    My daughter Maria Johns is in 10th grade in your school. Last Saturday, my husband and I came to attend the PTA meeting. Unfortunately, two of her main subject teachers (Biology and Maths) were not present over there. We waited there for more than 2hours, but they didn’t show up and to my surprise, no one had any idea where they are. This is my view is lack of responsibility and unprofessionalism!
    I believe that this type of meeting is extremely curious, as parents came to know about their kid’s overall performance at school. Teachers act as role models for their students; therefore, this type of carefree behaviour will give a negative impact on teenagers.
    I humbly request you to take your best foot forward and teach your staff some sense of responsibility. As their actions have long term effects on our children’s behaviour.
    I hope that you will take some strict actions considering the gravity of the situation.
    Sara Johns.

  46. Dear Mr John,

    I am writing this email to draw your kind attention toward the unprofessional behaviour of two of your staff members. During the last parent-teacher meet of my daughter, her Mathematics teacher and English teacher did not bother much to attend the meeting. I, along with many other parents, kept waiting for hours but they did not show up.
    Although my daughter grades have improved significantly in mathematics, still I wanted to meet her teacher to discuss further improvement plans. My appointment with her English teacher was utmost important because my daughter is not performing well in this subject. Moreover, she is unconfident about her English and is scared of upcoming exams. You can imagine how crucial it was to meet the tutors of these subjects.

    I would be grateful if you can arrange a meeting for an hour with teachers of these two subjects. I think devoting this time will make me aware of her weak areas and I can help her in enhancing her grades in the forthcoming exams.

    Yours sincerely,

  47. I think most of our colleagues would not be comfortable working extra hours on Saturday, but if it has to be the case for the welfare of our company, then I would opine in favor of option B based on various grounds.

    Most of us are preoccupied every weekend, especially Saturday, wherein the some of us have to spend time with our kids, have to fulfill social duties, manage groceries, visit parents, etc.; accommodating long working hours might not fit in this regime. However, working couple of hours might be a key solution to this problem, wherein, we will be able to accomplish our personal tasks as well as spare time to catch up lagging work in office.

    Moreover, given the availability of a complete workforce, coordination, as well as task delegation, would be much easier. This could potentially resolve all the dependencies on the given day itself and a significant reduction in the total time required to accomplish a task. This way, we might catch up with delayed paperwork even before two months.

    On the other hand, calling half of the staff is also against the company’s policy of Equinamity among Employees, thus, creating differences at the professional level and would hamper enthusiasm among a few of us.

    Though some of our colleagues would favor option A, but, based on the above points I find myself inclining towards option B.

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